A Cyber Security Defense
Uniquely Designed For You

We begin with your goals, your needs, and the tools you have so that we can determine a cybersecurity defense that is both distinctly better and distinctly yours.

Supply Chain Threat Detection

Cyber criminals have upped their game, so should you. We never underestimate or ignore your supply chain's security threats.

Security Operations Center

Financial losses, intellectual property theft, and reputational damage due to security breaches can be prevented.

SOC Assurance Service

Despite a mature Security Operations Center, you’re still under threat. Our SOC Assurance mitigates the risk of unnoticed breaches.

Emergency Cyber Response

Regain immediate control, contain the damage, and eradicate the threat. Your bullet-proof, SOS rapid response.

Agentless Network Segmentation

Rely less on vulnerability management and rest assured that the threat won’t spread across your network.

Cyber Risk Assessment

Understand how vulnerable you are. We identify your threat sources and calculate your risks – likelihood and impact.

We can help

We are constantly asking what you are trying to protect and what risks exist that limit you or prohibit you from achieving those goals.

ENHALO means cybersecurity without the gaps, solutions that solve the problems of cybersecurity, not just the symptoms.

Cyberattack Emergency

Are you experiencing an active cyberattack?

Get rapid response.

Call ENHALO’s International SOS no:
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